
For those of you in need of assistance to connect with your I AM Sovereignty, I offer Soul Sessions through Zoomvideo.  I will guide you through the session to empower you to find and release Karmic Debts and outdated Belief Systems from all of your Multi-Dimensional lifetimes.  Clearing these will shift your energetic frequency to uncover your veiled Divine Blueprint and lead you to remember who you are and what your Life Purpose is here at this time on our Planet.

Every session is intuitively guided from my Higher Heart to assist you in your Ascension process.  I support you with energetic therapies, shamanic tools, and the Crystal Consciousness to assist you in your Ascension journey.  I may incorporate the Angelic Oracle cards if lead or desired by you as I interpret messages from our Families of Light.  My sessions reconnect you to your Heart Center which guide you to remember and know your Source within.  Together, we create a Sacred Circle of Love and Validation to communicate messages and affirmations from our Source.

The session typically last 1-1/2 hrs.